Joseph Iorio Portfolio & Reflection

About 5 months ago in August, I entered college, I always considered myself a strong writer so I wasn’t really worried about English but I always felt there was a chance to allow myself to grow as a person and writer. In the first assignment, we had to write about ourselves, which is something extremely difficult for me. I always struggled to find that perfect balance between being too pessimistic about my skills and experiences and coming off as borderline egotistical. For the first assignment, I was actually going to originally write about something else but I decided to change it to something about my youth, and I paid homage to the people I feel shaped me and my journey. The most difficult part of writing the first essay wasn’t exactly the writing portion, instead, it was the editing and revisions. I write in bursts of creativity and inspiration, I can’t write methodically. I’ll sit down until something is done and breath a sigh of relief after. This being said, editing what I’ve already written and going back is difficult for me, I get embarrassed reading my own work. I’m not sure why I get embarrassed by what I’ve written, doesn’t matter if it’s my best or worst work, I can’t read it. In our first conference, I had to reread my paper to add to it, which was good practice. For the second paper, I was actually originally going to do a different topic until I remembered the passing of one of my favorite musical artists, Sophie. I was overjoyed to finally be able to write about a passion of mine that’s generally considered less academic. I actually enjoyed doing research and applying it, although MLA format is always a chore. That essay was my baby, I really enjoyed writing it. It was something that I was extremely passionate about and I think it showed. For conferences, I had to read my paper out loud, which I actually think is good practice. It shows where things are awkward and need editing. I was and still am really happy about how that essay turned out, I’ll probably never get to write about those topics again so I’m thankful I finally had the opportunity to. Lastly, for the presentation and creative project, I made a poem and poster. I’m a huge fan of poetry and dabble a bit in it myself, so naturally, music and poetry are linked so why not write a poem about music? For the poster, I tried to create an advertisement of sorts showcasing artists I hadn’t talked about previously. Then for the presentation, I’m really happy with how I did. I’ve always loved presentations and I feel like my passion really showed. I was excited to go first and therefore I may have been a bit too overzealous, perhaps talking a bit quick. I think my knowledge on the topic came naturally though. Overall, I’m happy with how this semester turned out, I think I’ve learned a bit about editing and revision, which are valuable skills and I was able to write about something I really enjoy that I probably won’t get to write about again.